Background Img
Hi, I'm

Matt Levere

Web Developer

Final year Computer Science student.
Skilled, dare I say savy, in lifting weights up and down.

Tech Stack
React Javascript Material UI Express Node.js DotNet Icon Description Icon Description


Social Networking

Can Register with random user info.
Shown in the video demo.

SocialNetworking Img
React Material UI Node.js Express Icon Description

  • Create Posts
  • Comment on a post
  • Reply to a comment/reply
  • Like any post/comment/reply
  • Upload Images
  • Add/Delete Friends
  • Personal Profile Page
  • Login/Register

Sorting Algorithm Visualizer

Sorting Algorithm Visualizer Img
React CSS

  • Sort a data set of 150 numbers ranging from 5-300
  • Select different sorting algorithm types
  • Change sorting speed
  • Watch the data set sort in real time

Chess Game

Chess Game Img
HTML CSS Javascript

  • Select your chess set before the game starts
  • Chess piece moves are validated
  • Watch out for the sound with each move and when taking another chess piece
  • Game will reset when the King is taken

About Me

This sounds cliché, but my journey started when I first printed "Hello World!" to a screen. I'm someone who is obsessed with anything that is endlessly progressive. Whether that be in video games, sports, or real life, if there is a way to progress without a limit, I'm game. When I watched "Hello World!" print on my screen, I imagined a virtually limitless world, this is when I knew this profession is for me.

My hobbies are coding, programming, software development, and the occasional six hour gym session when I can't figure out a bug. I tinker with robotics, Arduino in particular, as I also see a limitless journey in the world of robotics.


Contact Me